To associate an RTMP code to a specific player - you have to jump through a little hoop to get there but it allows you to test the RTMP first. 

- Create the rtmp (Name it specifically for that player - this helps you keep track) and Hide it from the Stream Application 

- Go live with that RTMP 

- Head back over to the admin page ( and go to live streams to verify it is there

- Go to the Playlist you are associating to the specific player 

- Select Add "Stream - A specific Live Stream"

- Select the Live rtmp stream ( it will show if it is live in order to add to the playlist )

- Click 'Update' to save the selection 

- *optional* Go to the player that is associated with that playlist to double check it was added

- And then you can stop the stream

Once that RTMP live stream is added to the player - every time it goes live in the future it will play wherever you have placed it.