Adding a Player to a Facebook fan page

The process outlined below uses an application you add to your Facebook account. This application will create a tab on your Facebook page where you can then paste in static HTML that is displayed on that tab. Note that there are many other applications available that provide this functionality. The steps below assume you have a Facebook Fan Page. If not, you can go here to create one.

  1. Add the "Static HTML: iFrame tabs" application as a tab on your Fan Page. To add this application, go to and click the Add Static HTML to a Page button.

  2. After you install the application, you should see a Welcome tab on your fan page.

  3. In Stream admin portal, copy the embed publishing code for the player you want to add to your Facebook Fan Page.

  4. On your Facebook Fan page, click the Welcome tab. This should open up an editor where you can paste in HTML.

  5. Paste in the embed code. You will receive a message about insecure urls.

  6. Also, add the secureConnections and secureHTMLConnections parameters to your publishing code.

Changing the Name of the Tab

You can change the name of the Welcome tab to something more descriptive by following the steps below.

  1. Login to your Facebook account.

  2. On your Facebook Fan page, you should see a box with a down arrow to the right of where your tabs appear.

  3. Click the down arrow.

  4. Mouse over the Welcome tab and click the pencil icon that appears.

  5. Select Edit Settings from the menu.

  6. A dialog will open that will let you rename the tab. There are also options to remove it and change the icon associated with the tab.

Editing the HTML code

If you need to edit the HTML code that is associated with the tab, follow these steps.

  1. Login to your Facebook account and go to your fan page.

  2. On your Facebook Fan page, click on the icon that represents your video page.

  3. Click the Edit tab button that appears to edit the HTML.