Broadcasting Video to the Stream Platform
Stream Metadata Settings:
Label - name of this set of RTMP configurations. Only displays in the brand management console
Stream Title - name of the Stream on the Stream Platform
Stream Channel - hashtag to apply to the stream on the Stream Platform
Hidden - will hide the feed coming to stream from the consumer application. Hidden streams will only publish to brand embedded players, Publish URLs and Play URLs
Multiple Streams - Broadcasting more than one feed to stream is possible using a single configuration. Turn on multiple streams if this configuration is to be used for multiple live feeds. If allow “Multiple Streams” is checked the Play URL and Publish URL is not available. We cannot stream multiple inputs to a single output.
Publishing Stream Platform Video Externally
Publish URL (push) - we will push the stream to this URL to be consumed by an external player
RTMP Broadcasting - plug this into a third party streaming or recording program to push video to the Stream Platform.
Depending on the broadcasting software you are using, you may need to enter the rtmp URL and key together (single option) or the rtmp URL and the key separately (two options).
DO NOT SHARE THESE KEYS anyone that has them can broadcast to your brand on the Stream Platform